ASPEN's Trust, Respect, Empowerment and Empathy (TREE) programs provide violence prevention activities and awareness programs to the communities in Park, Sweet Grass and Meagher counties in Montana. We offer free presentations and facilitated dialogues to community groups and individuals on the basics of domestic and/or sexual violence, signs, intervention, and awareness. This is a great way to learn more about the issues and take a stand through partnership with ASPEN. Participating groups have included faith-based groups, civic and service clubs, and community interest organizations. We will craft the presentation to fit your group’s specific time frame and goals.
ASPEN is also committed to educating and collaborating with community members by offering a wide variety of training and awareness options tailored to each group. Our staff will work with you to craft a training that meets your group’s specific goals and time frame.

Care and Support Providers
Law enforcement, legal professionals, health care providers and social service workers are on the front line when it comes to recognizing and responding to domestic violence.
Our trainings provide critical knowledge on how to use your professional role to help victims of violence overcome many of the barriers they face when trying to be safe and/or escape an abusive relationship, how to recognize signs of an abusive relationship, and to offer appropriate resources.
Salons, banks, gyms, restaurants and many other places of business can take a stand and help create an environment in which domestic violence is no longer tolerated.
Learn about how domestic violence impacts your clientele and how your business can get involved, taking simple steps to contribute to a violence-free community.

Faith Community
Many people rely on the support of their faith community when facing challenging life circumstances. It is critical that faith leaders understand the dynamics of domestic violence and are prepared to support families dealing with abuse, while holding the safety of the victims and their children as sacred.
Employers and HR
Domestic and sexual violence does not cease to impact people once they enter their place of employment.
Employers, supervisors, and HR personnel can support their workers by becoming trained to respond to domestic abuse, creating policies that support victims and hold perpetrators accountable, and by providing learning and awareness opportunities for all employees.
ASPEN believes engaging with local businesses in this way is critical to creating safe communities and is available to train and provide support.

Non-profits are no different than other businesses and deal with the impact of harrassment and abuse.
ASPEN works with non-profits to come up with HR policies which help workers to have a positive experience while fulfilling the important mission of non-profits in our communities and across the region.
ASPEN would be delighted to provide educational and awareness activities to non-profit employees, board members and advisory councils.
Schedule a Presentation or Training for your Group
Please contact:
ASPEN at or call 406-222-5902