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24-Hour Support Line

ASPEN operates a 24 Hour Support Line to provide support for victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence.


Our crisis line is staffed by an advocate 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, including holidays. Advocates are available to listen and provide advocacy and support, offer resources like emergency shelter, assist in creating a safety plan, provide general legal information, and provide information and referrals to other community resources. We do not discriminate against sexual orientation or gender identity. We serve and support those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. 

Warning Signs

If you think your spouse or partner is abusive, or you suspect that someone you know is in an abusive relationship, review the red flags and warning signs.


Not all abuse involves physical violence or threat; emotional abuse can also leave deep and lasting scars.

Recognizing the warning signs and symptoms of spousal abuse is the first step, but taking action is the most important step in breaking free.

Safety Planning

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that includes ways to remain safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after you leave. Safety planning involves how to cope with emotions, tell friends and family about the abuse, take legal action, and more. A good safety plan will have all of the vital information you need and be tailored to your unique situation, and will give you awareness of your personal and community resources.

Help a Loved One

If you know or suspect that a family member, friend, or work colleague is experiencing domestic violence, it may be difficult to know what to do. It can be very upsetting that someone is hurting a person you care about. Your first instinct may be to want to protect your friend or family member, but intervening can be dangerous for both you and her. Of course, this does not mean you should ignore it. Learn more about how you can help a loved one who is experiencing abuse.

Support & Advocacy

We know that no two cases of domestic violence are the same, and that survivors of domestic violence might need any number of different services. Our advocates help find emergency resources and determine potential next steps, in order to develop a plan for immediate and long term safety. Each plan is customized to each individual and/or family to meet their current needs or wants. If you are questioning unhealthy aspects of your own relationship or are concerned about a loved one, we are here to listen. We do not discriminate against sexual orientation or gender identity. We serve and support those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. 

How our advocates help:

  • Assist in identifying abusive patterns and behaviors

  • Offer information about rights and discuss options

  • Assist in developing a safety plan

  • Offer individual and group support

  • Provide community resource information and referrals

Myths & Facts

Anybody can become a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or dating violence. Society tends to have a stereotypical picture of what abuse is and similarly, of what sort of person both the abused and the abuser are. These perceptions tend to be biased by myths, not facts.

Barriers to Leaving

Many people ask “Why doesn’t the victim leave?  Why does the victim stay?” It is important to understand that there are many barriers to safety in an abusive relationship. Learn about the barriers to leaving to gain a better understanding of why it's just not that simple.

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